Thursday, February 25, 2010


So I just finished getting artwork for all the albums on my itunes... now that's a good start to a day.

in other news:
My teeth are super dang sensitive.
I'm' really excited for baseball season to begin.
I don't want to work outside for another winter.
I love my wife.
I enjoy playing piano.
I have a whole bunch of books I'd like to read.
I wish I was a speed reader.
Cats sleep weird.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

1st post.

My first post on =

I feel like a little kid trying to ride a bicycle for the first time again. I was never good at this whole "blogging" thing. We'll see if time away from it has changed anything. I think my last blog would have been on dang dogg. I will try and update this somewhat regularly and if I don't, oh well.

Either way, We have Asa T. Woodbeck to blame for all this blabbery... for it is him who gave me the idea to get one.