Friday, August 12, 2011

New Things

Why is it that as we get older, it is harder to pick up a different kind of book and read it? or listen to a different style of music? or mow our grass a different way?

It's so easy to get stuck in a routine and not seek out new things and adventure, yet I think this is the one thing a lot of us need. Listen to the other side of that political debate with open ears, listen to someone else's view on that thing you hate. Listen, learn, and integrate.

1 comment:

  1. Very true. You have coincided with my blog for today. Of course you wouldn't appreciate all those mad things that mad English folk do like go out in the mid-day sun, you being American, but on the other hand, maybe you would. Thanks for visiting our blog. I use Sony cameras, a Digital SLR A700, and a smaller DSC H9 for close-ups. I shoot in RAW and edit in CS3 then convert to JPG.
    PS You should post more often!
